主系统是win10 1909 目标系统是win10 1809,网上找了很多解决方法都没用。求大神帮帮忙,装不了符号无法学习。都不知怎么办才好!加载服务器符号显示错误
kd> .reload
Connected to Windows 10 17763 x64 target at (Sat Feb 22 12:05:02.180 2020 (UTC + 8:00)), ptr64 TRUE
*** ***
*** ***
*** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger ***
*** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol ***
*** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a ***
*** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
*** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that ***
*** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol ***
*** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to ***
*** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect ***
*** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. ***
*** ***
*** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE_TRANSITION ***
*** ***
Loading Kernel Symbols
Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long.
Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols.
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
************* Symbol Loading Error Summary **************
Module name Error
ntkrnlmp The system cannot find the file specified
You can troubleshoot most symbol related issues by turning on symbol loading diagnostics (!sym noisy) and repeating the command that caused symbols to be loaded.
You should also verify that your symbol search path (.sympath) is correct.