# Pragyan CTF 2015: Hackerz**Category:** Android
**Points:** 100
**Solves** 75
> Adam and Eve where in the Garden of Eden. Snake offered apple to Eve and that was the first SYN.
> (circle.apk)
## Write-up
by (https://github.com/abpolym)
When decompiling the `circle.apk` application file with (https://github.com/skylot/jadx), we see four Java files:
$ jadx -x circle.apk
INFO- output directory: circle
INFO- loading ...
WARN- Indent < 0
INFO- processing ...
INFO- done
$ tree
├── AndroidManifest.xml
└── com
└── pragyan
└── circle
├── Main.java
├── a.java
├── b.java
└── c.java
3 directories, 5 files
In `b.java`, we see a base64 encoded string, `eTB1XzRyM180X2g0Y2szcg==`.
By base64 decoding this string, we get the flag:
$ base64 --decode <<< 'eTB1XzRyM180X2g0Y2szcg=='
The flag is `y0u_4r3_4_h4ck3r`.
## Other write-ups and resources
* <https://ctf-team.vulnhub.com/pragyan-ctf-2015-android/>