xuenixiang 发表于 2020-6-15 01:02:50


前言  这几天玩的挺Hi,是时候学习了。
原理简介  IDEA算法是在DES算法的基础上发展出来的,是一个分组长度为 64 比特的分组密码算法,密钥长度为 128 比特,由 8 轮迭代操作实现。 每个迭代都由三种函数:mod(216)加法、mod(216+1)乘法和逐位异或算法组成。整个算法包括子密钥产生、数据加密过程、数据解密过程三部分。 该算法规定明文和密文块均为 64 比特,密钥长度为 128比特,加解密相同,只是密钥各异。
加密过程  IDEA 总共进行 8 轮迭代操作,每轮需要 6 个子密钥,另外还需要 4 个额外子密钥输出变换,所以总共需要 52 个子密钥,这 52 个子密钥都是从 128 比特密钥中扩展出来的。
代码一览  输入的明文为 8 个字符(即 64 比特),首先需要将 64 比特数据块分成 X1,X2,X3,X4 四个子块,每一子块 16 比特。
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

X = (plaintext >> (48-i*16)) & 0xffff;  然后根据种子密钥产生52个16bits的子密钥
/* sub keys generation */

status_t subkey_generation(uint16_t key, uint16_t sub_key)


int i, j;

uint16_t tmp_key;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)

tmp_key = key;

for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)


for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)

sub_key = tmp_key;

left_shift(tmp_key, 25);


for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

sub_key = tmp_key;


}  这 4 个子块将作为第一轮迭代的输入,全部共 8 轮迭代。
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)


idea_round(X, &(sub_key), out);

for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)

X = out;

}  在每一轮中,这 4 个子块相互异或、相加和相乘,且与 6 个 16 比特子密钥相异或、相加和相乘。
status_t idea_round(uint16_t X, uint16_t Z, uint16_t out)


status_t st;

uint16_t tmp, ma_in, ma_out;

tmp = mp_mod(X, Z);    //step 1. multiply X1 by 1st sub key

tmp = add_mod(X, Z);   //step 2. add X2 to 2nd sub key

tmp = add_mod(X, Z);   //step 3. add X3 to 3rd sub key

tmp = mp_mod(X, Z);    //step 4. multiply X4 by 4th sub key

ma_in = XOR(tmp, tmp); //step 5. XOR results in step 1 and step 3

ma_in = XOR(tmp, tmp); //step 6. XOR results in step 2 and step 4

st = MA(ma_in, &Z, ma_out);//step 7. MA diffusion

/* step 8. generate the output*/

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

swap(&(out), &(out));

return st;

}  最后在输出变换中 4 个子块与 4 个子密钥进行运算。
swap(&(out), &(out));

out = mp_mod(out, sub_key);

out = add_mod(out, sub_key);

out = add_mod(out, sub_key);

out = mp_mod(out, sub_key);

*ciphertext = out;  最后将4个16bits的密文拼接为64bits的密文
for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

*ciphertext = ((*ciphertext)<<16)|out;IDA数据流跟踪  IDA载入程序
0x5432  然后经过子密钥生成函数,产生52个子密钥
解密过程  和加密密钥一样,解密密钥也需要拓展,不同的是解密密钥是由加密密钥加法逆或乘法逆构成的,且两者一一对应。
IDA跟进  IDA载入解密函数
总结  IDEA算法的特征还是比较明显的,相加相乘以及异或运算 >.-:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "IDEA.h"

int main(void){
uint16_t key = {0x1234,0x5678,0x90ab,0x3456,0x5678,0x2345,0x1908,0x1235};
uint64_t plaintext[] = {0x1234567898765432};
int block_cnt = 0, i = 0, len;
uint64_t ciphertext={0};

idea_encrypt(plaintext, key, ciphertext);
printf("0x%016llx\n", ciphertext);

idea_decrypt(ciphertext, key, &(plaintext));
printf("0x%016llx\n", plaintext);


/* IDEA(International Data Encryption Algorithm), refer to http://www.quadibloc.com/crypto/co040302.htm

* IDEA.c, an IDEA encryption and decryption program.

* Author shenyang

* Mar. 4th, 2011

* TODO: Fault analysis on IDEA, defence of fault analysis on IDEA.


#ifndef IDEA_H

#include "IDEA.h"


#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

/* define operation */

static uint16_t add_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);

static uint16_t mp_mod(uint16_t a,uint16_t b);

static uint16_t XOR(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);

static status_t left_shift(uint16_t key, int num);

static void swap(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b);

/* addition and mod 65536 */

static uint16_t add_mod(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)


uint32_t tmp = a+b;

uint16_t ret = tmp % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;

return ret;


/* multiply and mod 65537 */

static uint16_t mp_mod(uint16_t a,uint16_t b)


/* Note: In IDEA, for purposes of multiplication, a 16 bit word containing all zeroes is considered to represent the number 65,536;

* other numbers are represented in conventional unsigned notation, and multiplication is modulo the prime number 65,537


uint64_t tmp, tmp_a, tmp_b; //if both a and b are 2^16, the result will be 2^32 which will exceed a 32-bit int

tmp_a = a==0 ? (1<<16) : a;

tmp_b = b==0 ? (1<<16) : b;

tmp = (tmp_a * tmp_b) % IDEA_MP_MODULAR;

return (uint16_t)(tmp);


/* XOR */

static uint16_t XOR(uint16_t a, uint16_t b)


return a^b;


static void swap(uint16_t *a, uint16_t *b)


uint16_t c = 0;

c = *a;

*a = *b;

*b = c;


/* IDEA encryption */

status_t idea_encrypt(uint64_t plaintext, uint16_t key, uint64_t *ciphertext)


uint16_t X, sub_key, out;

status_t st;

int i, j;

/* cut 64-bit plaintext into 4 16-bit sub blocks */

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

X = (plaintext >> (48-i*16)) & 0xffff;

/* generate sub keys */

st = subkey_generation(key, sub_key);

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)


idea_round(X, &(sub_key), out);

for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)

X = out;


/* round 9, do output transform */

//Note that the swap of B and C is not performed after round 8. So we swap them again.

swap(&(out), &(out));

out = mp_mod(out, sub_key);

out = add_mod(out, sub_key);

out = add_mod(out, sub_key);

out = mp_mod(out, sub_key);

*ciphertext = out;

for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

*ciphertext = ((*ciphertext)<<16)|out;

return st;


/* IDEA decryption */

status_t idea_decrypt(uint64_t ciphertext, uint16_t key, uint64_t *plaintext)


status_t st;

uint16_t X, sub_dkey, out;

int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

X = (ciphertext >> (48-i*16)) & 0xffff;

/* generate sub keys for decryption*/

st = subdkey_generation(key, sub_dkey);

if(st != IDEA_SUCCESS)

return st;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)


idea_round(X, &(sub_dkey), out);

for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)

X = out;


out = mp_mod(out, sub_dkey);

out = add_mod(out, sub_dkey);

out = add_mod(out, sub_dkey);

out = mp_mod(out, sub_dkey);

swap(&(out), &(out));   //Note that the unswap in decryption is called after transform, that is different from the encryption.

*plaintext = out;

for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

*plaintext = ((*plaintext)<<16) | out;

return st;


status_t idea_round(uint16_t X, uint16_t Z, uint16_t out)


status_t st;

uint16_t tmp, ma_in, ma_out;

tmp = mp_mod(X, Z);    //step 1. multiply X1 by 1st sub key

tmp = add_mod(X, Z);   //step 2. add X2 to 2nd sub key

tmp = add_mod(X, Z);   //step 3. add X3 to 3rd sub key

tmp = mp_mod(X, Z);    //step 4. multiply X4 by 4th sub key

ma_in = XOR(tmp, tmp); //step 5. XOR results in step 1 and step 3

ma_in = XOR(tmp, tmp); //step 6. XOR results in step 2 and step 4

st = MA(ma_in, &Z, ma_out);//step 7. MA diffusion

/* step 8. generate the output*/

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

out = XOR(tmp, ma_out);

swap(&(out), &(out));

return st;


/* MA diffusion */

status_t MA(uint16_t ma_in, uint16_t sub_key,uint16_t ma_out)


uint16_t tmp;

tmp = mp_mod(ma_in, sub_key);

tmp = add_mod(ma_in, tmp);

ma_out = mp_mod(tmp, sub_key);

ma_out = add_mod(tmp, ma_out);



/* sub keys generation */

status_t subkey_generation(uint16_t key, uint16_t sub_key)


int i, j;

uint16_t tmp_key;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)

tmp_key = key;

for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)


for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)

sub_key = tmp_key;

left_shift(tmp_key, 25);


for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)

sub_key = tmp_key;



/* sub dkeys generation


*The decryption key schedule is:


*The first four subkeys for decryption are:


*KD(1) = 1/K(49)

*KD(2) =-K(50)

*KD(3) =-K(51)

*KD(4) = 1/K(52)


*and they do not quite follow the same pattern as the remaining subkeys which follow.


*The following is repeated eight times, adding 6 to every decryption key's index and subtracting 6 from every encryption key's index:


*KD(5)=   K(47)

*KD(6)=   K(48)


*KD(7)= 1/K(43)



*KD(10) = 1/K(46)



status_t subdkey_generation(uint16_t key, uint16_t sub_dkey)


status_t st;

int i;

uint16_t sub_key;

uint32_t tmp;

st = subkey_generation(key, sub_key);

st = extended_eucild(sub_key, IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);

if(st != IDEA_SUCCESS)


printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");

return st;


sub_dkey = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;

sub_dkey = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;

sub_dkey = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;

st = extended_eucild(sub_key, IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);

if(st != IDEA_SUCCESS)


printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");

return st;


sub_dkey = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)//This is awful?!...May be I should make a table.


sub_dkey = sub_key;

sub_dkey = sub_key;

st = extended_eucild(sub_key, IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);

if(st != IDEA_SUCCESS)


printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");

return st;


sub_dkey = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;

sub_dkey = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;

sub_dkey = (IDEA_ADD_MODULAR - sub_key) % IDEA_ADD_MODULAR;

st = extended_eucild(sub_key, IDEA_MP_MODULAR, &tmp);

if(st != IDEA_SUCCESS)


printf("subdkey_generation error!/n");

return st;


sub_dkey = tmp == 65536 ? 0 : (uint16_t)tmp;




/* left shift */

static status_t left_shift(uint16_t key, int num)


uint16_t copy_key;

int i;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)

copy_key = key;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)

key = (copy_key[(i+num/16)%8]<<(num%16)) | (copy_key[(i+num/16+1)%8]>>(16-num%16));



/* Extended Eucild Algorithm to caculate d^-1 mod k*/

status_t extended_eucild(uint16_t d, uint32_t k, uint32_t *result)


int x, y, t, q;

int i;

x = x = 0;

x = k;

y = 0, y = 1;

y = d == 0 ? (1<<16) : d;

while(y > 1)


q = x / y;

for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

t = x - q*y;

for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

x = y;

for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++)

y = t;


if(y == 1)


if(y < 0)

y += k;

*result = y;




return IDEA_ERROR;


/* IDEA.h */

#ifndef IDEA_H

#define IDEA_H

/* define return status */

#define IDEA_SUCCESS      0

#define IDEA_ERROR          1

/* define data length */

#define IDEA_KEY_LEN      128

#define IDEA_BLOCK_SIZE   64


/* define global variable */

#define IDEA_ADD_MODULAR    65536

#define IDEA_MP_MODULAR   65537

/* define operation mode */

#define ECB 0

#define CBC 1

#define CFB 2

#define OFB 3

/* define data type */

//typedef bool            bit_t, status_t;

typedef unsigned char   byte_t, uint8_t;

typedef unsigned shortword_t, uint16_t;

typedef unsigned int    dword_t, uint32_t, status_t;

typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;

/* declare fuction */

status_t idea_encrypt(uint64_t plaintext, uint16_t key, uint64_t *ciphertext);

status_t idea_decrypt(uint64_t ciphertext, uint16_t key, uint64_t *plaintext);

status_t idea_round(uint16_t X, uint16_t Z, uint16_t out);

status_t MA(uint16_t ma_in, uint16_t sub_key,uint16_t ma_out);

status_t subkey_generation(uint16_t key, uint16_t sub_key);

status_t subdkey_generation(uint16_t key, uint16_t sub_dkey);

status_t extended_eucild(uint16_t d, uint32_t k, uint32_t *result);


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